
Making The Tough Decisions Together

As summer ends and kids head back to school, divorced parents and those facing divorce are met with new challenges and decisions. Decisions on healthcare and how you want to handle the ongoing pandemic are lead discussion topics amongst those with children. Now more than ever it is imperative that parents learn howto express their views to offer possible solutions, even potential compromise, whether or not they are exactly on the same page.

Divorce Without War®️ is a platform for couples to settle their divorce using interest-based methods for resolution, without the need for the court’s involvement. Using specially designed methodology we answer your questions, address your concerns, and help guide you every step of the way. Out of court. Using one protocol. Efficiently. Easily. Effectively.

At Divorce Without War®️ we rely on time-tested rules of mediation, cooperation, collaboration, and negotiation. These methods focus on what matters most; you and your family.

Even if you are already divorced but are facing these new and unforeseen
parenting challenges, we can help you. Contact us today at to find out how we can help you peacefully resolve these matters, without the war, and without the painful costs that may result in a courtroom confrontation.

To your “peace” of mind,
The Divorce Without War® Team


Welcome To Our Newsletter

I am delighted to introduce you to the Divorce Without War® newsletter, which I hope will be a regular and ongoing and useful conversation. Welcome! 

Divorce Without War has helped thousands of couples navigate the divorce process and achieve a peaceful, affordable, legally smart divorce. Divorce Without War is a signature program designed to help couples achieve a healthy divorce, and it is a platform for divorce professionals in service of those clients seeking a better way. Divorce Without War is a platform for professionals in service of couples facing divorce. Our time-tested protocol assists couples to settle their divorce using interest-based methods for resolution, without the need for the court’s involvement.

This monthly newsletter is designed to provide an avenue for communication bringing peace and light. In addition to guidance & advice, we hope to share thought-provoking content and needed reminders about the value of mindful presence particularly when managing the myriad of issues when facing divorce. We are passionate about offering our clients the best tools to support and nourish them during some of the most trying times.

Whether you are coping through it, or someone you know is facing a simple or complex divorce, pre-divorce or post-divorce issue, we want to help. Thank you again for your interest in Divorce Without War. We appreciate you, and look forward to the conversation!

To your “peace” of mind,
Helen Stein, Esq.
Divorce Without War®


A Message For The New Year

As we close out this unusual year of 2020, we wanted to take this time to welcome 2021 and to wish you and yours Happy Holidays! The start of a fresh new year is the best time to remember our goal:  Peace For All. 

Many of you already know that Divorce Without War®️ has been helping people go through divorce with dignity and without war. We have proudly and humbly served the community for many years. Our experienced professionals are dedicated to providing a balanced approach for couples & families that truly supports the most important relationships in their lives. 

We are excited to share our updated Website which is easier to navigate and offers new perspectives & information on our services.

We also want to take a moment to congratulate our affiliate, Derek Lucas and the Divorce Without War®️ North Tampa office on their new Website. Wherever you are located in Florida, and beyond, please know that we want to assist, and we stand ready to serve. By offering virtual meetings we are able to connect from wherever you are located.  

As we have seen worldwide this year, we are reminded that we cannot always control what the future will look like. Today and always, may we all find within, the strength and resolve to show up in truth, with honor and grace, and to respond impeccably to all life’s circumstances.

Wishing you a healthy & happy New Year & best regards,

Helen, Sue & Tom

The Divorce Without War®️ Team