
Life After Divorce

Life is not over after divorce. Dr. Phil shows divorced couples how to finally let go, how to deal with the changes and make the most out of your new life.

Divorce is a major life change that can leave a person reeling. Suddenly being on your own to deal with issues such as money, children, career changes and downsizing the family home can seem overwhelming. Dr. Phil and Libby Gill, author of the book Traveling Hopefully: How to Lose Your Family Baggage and Jumpstart Your Life offer advice on how to begin to live life after divorce.

If you’re having trouble letting go:

There is life after this marriage

As hard as it is to believe right now, one day this marriage will just be something you did once. You’ll go on and you’ll have what you create.

Get out of denial

Ask yourself: Do you really want this marriage, or are you hanging onto it out of fear? If being alone is a scarier thought than staying in a broken marriage, you’re letting fear make your decisions. Are you mourning the loss of what your marriage was, or what you thought marriage would be?

Don’t burn daylight

Grieving doesn’t have a time frame on it, but life does. Whether you realize it or not, life is marching on. There comes a time when you have to accept the fact and say, “I’ve got to get on with my life, I’ve got to get on with raising my children, I’ve got to get on with putting things together where I can be a happy, meaningful, productive member of society.” Find a way to put one foot in front of the other and move forward.

Life After Divorce. Retrieved on July 1, 2014,

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